­­­­Assignment for CPED 6556: Linguistics exercise presentation

(download printable pdf: LXEXAssignment)

For each chapter, you will be responsible for reading the assigned material, completing the assigned exercises, and turning in a copy of your answers via the class blog.  You may work individually, or collaborate with your classmates, but each person must turn in a copy of their answers. There are 9 exercise assignments. The 8 highest grades will be counted toward your final grade. This means you may do all 11 and I will drop the lowest 3 grades, or you may choose to turn in just 8 of the 11 assignments. If you do skip an assignment, it may NOT be the one for which you are doing the presentation! Since we will review the assignment in class on the day it is due, no late homework will be accepted. See the syllabus for additional information.

For one chapter, you and a group of classmates will be responsible for reviewing the exercises assigned for that chapter, leading class discussion about the exercises and any related issues from the chapter, and presenting an outside resource (one per group member) related to the content of the chapter. Please refer to the syllabus and sign-up sheet for the list of available topics and dates. Once you have been assigned your exercises:

  1. Complete the assigned exercises. Each person from your group must still turn in an individual copy of the exercises, whether you work together or not.
  2. E-mail your answers to the instructor at least 24 hours before class begins (you may do this as a group, or as individuals if your group decides to divide the exercises for review/discussion purposes).  This is for your own benefit so that you’re confident that what you’re presenting to the class is on the right track.
  3. Find an outside resource related to the topic of the exercises.  These can be: research articles on linguistics or education topics; web-based or paper resources for using the topic to inform classroom practices or curriculum development; teaching materials based on the topic; video, audio, or other visual demonstrations or illustrations of the topic. These must be supplemental materials and cannot come from the textbook.  You are welcome to e-mail the instructor to discuss possible resources before your presentation. You must discuss your resource with your group to make sure no group members have found the same resource.
  4. Come to class the night we cover your chapter prepared to present and discuss your exercises and the supplemental resources. Your group will lead the review of each exercise, lead discussion about the exercises, and present your outside resources.
  5. Your presentation should be approximately 30 minutes, absolute maximum of 40 minutes, depending on the length and type of exercises, the nature of your outside resources, and the size of your group. Decide as a group what role each member will play in the presentation.
  6. Each group will be graded using the evaluation sheet below. All members of a group receive the same evaluation and grade.

CPED 6556 Exercise Presentation Evaluation





Presentation and discussion of exercise question(s): _____/5 points

Discussion of Background Articles/Resources:_____/5 points

Other activities, general quality of presentation, creative presenting technique, use of technology, etc.: _____/5 points

Total points: _____/15